At Anglicare Victoria (AV), we want all of our families and young people to feel loved and included, and we pride ourself on being a diverse and vibrant community. Since its inception, AV has valued – and celebrated – diversity and inclusion. We’re continually evolving policies, services and workplaces to ensure all staff, volunteers and clients feel safe, welcome and free to be their whole selves.

In 2019, AV obtained Rainbow Tick accreditation, a nationally recognised mark of quality reserved for organisations that achieve the highest standard of LGBTQIA+ inclusive practice and service delivery. AV’s Rainbow Tick lets our clients know they can access services where their sexual orientation, gender identity and/or intersex status will be valued and their needs understood.

“The Rainbow Tick sends such a strong message to everyone about what we value and what’s important,” says Peter Burt, former co-chair of the AV Pride Steering Group. “It tells our clients that irrespective of race, sexual orientation – whatever – you are really welcome at Anglicare Victoria.”

To proudly take our place in the community, the AV Pride Committee coordinates a calendar of events celebrated by AV staff and clients throughout the year, including the Midsumma Festival and Pride March.

“Anglicare Victoria enables you to be who you are,” Peter says. ” And we know that if you’re allowed to be who you are in every sense, there’s always a better outcome.”

A loving foster family

Kerry* grew up surrounded by foster siblings, and knew she’d like to become a foster carer herself one day. “It’s always been something that I was going to do,” she says. Now, Kerry and her partner Sarah* are excited to welcome their first foster child and provide her with a safe, nurturing home.

The couple are also excited to be a part of AV’s innovative MOCKINGBIRD FAMILY program. This evidence-informed model connects 6-8 local foster carer households who work together to support one another. “We’ve got a little one coming into our care soon,” says Kerry. “It’s really great to know we’ve got a community around us, a support network.”

*Names changed to protect privacy

“I've definitely noticed that I can just be myself, like, I don't have to (pretend). There's been times in my life where I've had to hold back on that part of myself, like my sexuality and stuff. It’s a place where you can just really be yourself. So yeah, I felt super accepted in every way, shape and form.”

Grace, a young client from AV’s Kirrang Wilam Youth Refuge