AV 2024 Annual Report

In our 2024 annual report, we recognise the strong and capable staff who make our agency great. The skills and experience of our 2091 employees has enabled AV to work for better and improve the lives of more than 30,00 Victorians over the past twelve months.

You’ll read about how our foster carers, kinship carers, residential care staff and case workers supported 1643 children in Out-of-Home Care, and how the TEACHaR and Navigator programs helped almost 1200 young people get back on track with their education. We also shine a light on our Evidence-Based Models, which helped 978 families in 2023-24, and our ParentZone program, which held sessions for more than 3700 parents, covering topics from taming toddlers to tricky teens, and everything in between.

As Victorians continue to feel the pinch of the rising cost of living, our financial counsellors and emergency relief staff have been there to deliver help where it’s needed most. 3275 people worked with our financial counsellors to improve their financial situation, and 7876 Victorians in urgent need received groceries, clothing, and medication assistance at our 16 emergency relief locations. And our partnerships with the state and federal governments through the Energy Assistance Program and School Student Broadband Initiative have seen thousands of households connected to the internet and save money on their power bills.

This year, we take the opportunity to thank and farewell Melbourne’s Anglican Archbishop Dr Philip Freier, who has provided support and guidance as the President of the AV Council for the past 18 years. We also celebrate the success of the Home Stretch campaign in extending state care to the age of 21 and highlight the positive impact of our fundraising appeals on the lives of vulnerable Victorians.

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