The purpose of this document is to provide you with guidelines as you communicate the unique identity of Anglicare Victoria and its services to the community.

With these guidelines below, you will have the opportunity to learn more about how to use AV logos, taglines, fonts, colour palette and other elements.

AV Colour Palette

AV Purple PMS: 2665
CMYK: C65 M70 Y0 K0
RGB: R111 G96 B170
HEX: #6f60aa
AV Red PMS: 198
CMYK: C9 M90 Y50 K0
RGB: R221 G64 B97
HEX: #dd4061
AV Orange PMS: 1645
CMYK: C0 M71 Y75 K0
RGB: R243 G110 B74
HEX: #f36f4a
AV Yellow PMS: 116
CMYK: C1 M15 Y100 K0
RGB: R254 G211 B1
HEX: #fed401

AV Fonts

Primary Font

Our primary font is Roboto Slab Bold and Regular.

Roboto Slab is used for all print and digital communications.

Roboto Slab is used to create a grassroots personality to any Anglicare Victoria brand communication.

This font is available online from Google Fonts as a free download.

Secondary Font

Our secondary font is Montserrat Bold, Regular and Light.

Montserrat Bold, Regular and Light can be used for headings as well as subheadings.

It’s also used to pick out key areas of information within text, such as pull-out quotes, important key campaign information and copy in boxes.

Montserrat is used for all print and digital communications.

This font is available online from Google Fonts as a free download.

If the above 2 fonts aren’t readily available, or you are having trouble accessing them, we do have a primary Microsoft font Arial. This font is available for both PC and Apple platforms. However, this font is only to be used, if the others aren’t accessible.

Arial Regular is the recommended weight used for internal and some external communications.

This font is only to be used, if the other AV fonts are unavailable to you for use.

For more information about how to use this font in documents please download our Toolkit.