Parents Building Solutions | Botanic Ridge

This Event has Concluded

Thank you for your interest in our Parents Building Solutions | Botanic Ridge. This event was held on 1 Aug 2024. We’re grateful to everyone who participated and made it a success.

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About the event

PEACEFUL PARENTING – 6-week free face to face program for parents and carers of kids of all ages

Cranbourne Communities for Children Initiative is funded by the Australian Government

  • Are you tired of all the yelling – yours and theirs?
  • Do you feel like you are reacting rather than knowing how to create more positive parenting and family connections and times?
  • Do you have difficulties with increasing school participation?
  • Do you have children with challenging behaviours for whatever reason – Living with ASD, Trauma, ages and stages of development, gender identity questions?

If your answer to any of these questions is “Yes!”, please join us for this parenting program.

DATES: Thursdays July 25, August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
TIME: 9:00 – 10:30am
WHERE: Botanic Ridge Primary School 10EchidnaParade Botanic Ridge
COST: FREE! Please register via the link below or the QR code

For more information, contact:
Michelle Brown |

Brochure here

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