Leaving a gift to Anglicare Victoria is easy, and anyone can do it.

The two key pieces of information you need are simply:

  • Our name – Anglicare Victoria
  • Our ABN – 97 397 067 466

Following the 3 Easy Steps below and referring to our Frequently Asked Questions will also help you navigate your way through.

Remember that, at Anglicare Victoria, we believe in family, and always suggest speaking with your loved ones before finalising your Will. Once family have been looked after, leaving a gift in your Will to Anglicare Victoria means the causes you care about are looked after too and the values you live by are honoured into the future.

3 Easy Steps

  • There are several ways to leave a gift to Anglicare Victoria in your Will, depending on your circumstances.  Some options are:

    • Leave a residuary gift. The residue of your estate is what remains once all your loved ones and charges have been paid. A residuary gift could be all or part of what remains in your estate.
    • Select a percentage of estate. You can choose to leave Anglicare Victoria the whole of, or any percentage of your estate.  Even if you are unsure of the value of the estate, this option means the percentage you intend for Anglicare Victoria will remain the same.
    • Give a fixed sum of money, also known as a pecuniary gift. This is when you leave an exact sum of money to Anglicare Victoria. It may be of interest to note that the value of this will decrease over time with inflation.
    • Leave a specific gift. You may wish to leave Anglicare Victoria a particular item (known as a specific bequest), which can be sold to support our work. It could be a residential house, commercial real estate, shares, artwork or jewellery.
  • Wills are important documents that must be prepared and executed properly. There are options to consider:

    • Contact a solicitor, especially if your Will is complex, to ensure it is properly executed
    • Simply change your existing Will to include a gift to Anglicare Victoria by adding a codicil – a short legal amendment, to your Will. Ask us for our Codicil Instruction Guide and remember to discuss any updates with your loved ones and solicitor.

    Please refer below for Wording your Will.

  • Talk to family and loved ones about your Will. Communicating your wishes ensures they are carried out. Let your family know that an enduring gift to Anglicare Victoria is important to you and advise any executors and guardians of your wishes.

    Remembering us means we’ll remember you. And, we’d like to thank you, and acknowledge you as a Friend of Anglicare Victoria.

    When you make this decision please let us know. This allows us to:

    • Guarantee future investment into our priority areas of work
    • Invite you to special events
    • Provide you with updates about our programs and progress

    We’d love to take your call and if you wish to meet confidentially to discuss a gift in your Will, we’d be happy to arrange a visit, please contact:

Wording Your Will

It is important to use the correct wording to ensure your Will is valid. Here are some examples of wording you could consider using; however, we do suggest you seek professional advice from a lawyer or solicitor specialising in Wills and Estates and recommend you discuss your intentions with loved ones.

Wording examples

  • I GIVE AND BEQUEATH free of all duties death estate succession or otherwise payable in consequence of my death [the sum of $ … or … % or the rest and residue of my estate] to Anglicare Victoria (ABN 97 397 067 466) (or its successor in law) to be applied for its general purposes and declare that the receipt of its Authorised Officer shall be sufficient discharge to my Trustee/s.

  • I GIVE AND DEVISE free of all duties death estate succession or otherwise payable in consequence of my death my real estate situated at [location address of the property here] to Anglicare Victoria (ABN 97 397 067 466) (or its successor in law) to be applied for its general purposes and declare that the receipt of its Authorised Officer shall be sufficient discharge to my Trustee/s.

  • I GIVE AND BEQUEATH free of all duties death estate succession or otherwise payable in consequence of my death [the sum of $ … or … % or the rest and residue of my estate] to Anglicare Victoria (ABN 97 397 067 466) (or its successor in law) to be applied to Anglicare Victoria’s Better Tomorrows Program or a similar program or programs at the time that assist children and young adults in Anglicare Victoria’s out of home care programs such as or similar to residential care homes, foster care or kinship care and declare that the receipt of its Authorised Officer shall be sufficient discharge to my Trustee/s.

Information for solicitors and executors

  • On the 1st of July, 1997, AV was formed by the amalgamation of several Anglican missions: Mission to the Streets and Lanes of Melbourne (established 1886); Mission of St James and St John (1919); and St John’s Homes for Boys and Girls (1921).

  • Please refer to Wording your Will or contact the Gifts in Wills team for further information.

    Our correct registered name is Anglicare Victoria.

    Our ABN is 97 397 067 466.

    These details are also available in our Information for Solicitors sheet, available upon request.

    If your client would like their gift to be used for a specific program or to inform us of their gift, please contact us at giftsinwills@anglicarevic.org.au

  • Thank you for honouring the intentions of your client.  If Anglicare Victoria is named in the Will, please send us the following information:

    • A note with your contact details and the full name and last known address of the deceased person
    • A copy of the final Will and any codicils, and
    • A statement of estate accounts

    We also have an Information for Executors sheet available upon request.  Please contact us at giftsinwills@anglicarevic.org.au

Frequently Asked Questions

Writing a Will is one of the most personal and significant decisions you’ll ever make. It’s important to take time to gather the information you need to help make up your mind.


  • A gift in your Will is a unique way to provide for the causes you believe in. It costs you nothing today, and you have complete freedom to change your beneficiaries in the future.  You can ensure your loved ones are looked after, and the values you live by are honoured into the future.

  • Gifts in Wills are an important source of funds for Anglicare Victoria.  Many of our essential programs have benefited from the kindness of donors and supporters in this way.

    Click here to find out why your gift matters

    A gift in your Will that supports our work in general terms provides Anglicare Victoria with the greatest flexibility to respond to critical priorities now and into the future.

    If you’d like your gift to be used for something specific, please speak to our Gifts in Wills team to discuss your options.

  • Leaving a gift is easy, and anyone can do it.  The two key pieces of information you need are simply our name, Anglicare Victoria, and our ABN: 97 397 067 466.

    Follow our 3 Easy Steps and if you have any questions at all, we welcome the opportunity to meet with you in person or by telephone to discuss your wishes and answer your questions.

    You can also use Wording your Will as a guideline.

    However, we do recommend you speak to a solicitor, trustee company or financial advisor to get their advice and make sure your final wishes are reflected in your Will.

  • Yes, you can choose whichever best suits your wishes. The most common types are:

    • Residuary or Residual – After your loved ones have been fully provided for, any remainder of your estate can be left as a gift in your Will to Anglicare Victoria and/or charitable organisations.
    • Percentage – A percentage of your estate can be left as a gift in your Will. There are no rules as to what percentage you choose.  It is entirely at your discretion to choose a percentage that reflects your wishes and intentions for your estate.
    • Fixed sum of money or pecuniary gift – a set cash amount, often the amount may be chosen to serve a specific purpose
    • Specific gift – a particular item (known as a specific bequest), which can be sold to support Anglicare Victoria’s work. It could be a residential house, commercial real estate, shares, artwork or jewellery.
  • Contact Elizabeth Veal or Mary Croxford from our Gifts in Wills team who can provide more information, help with any questions you might have, and discuss your personal wishes confidentially.

  • We always recommend you talk to your family and loved ones about your decision.  You are most welcome to include your family and loved ones in your discussions with our Gifts in Wills team.  It is also suggested that you seek legal and financial advice when drawing up a Will, to ensure that it is officially recognised and accurately reflects your wishes.

  • Yes, please call us. We’d like to thank you for making this important decision and as a significant supporter, you will also become a Friend of Anglicare Victoria. Our Friends play a special role in helping Anglicare Victoria, including by providing for us in their Will. As a Friend, you will have access to a range of exclusive informative and social events, and have the opportunity to meet with our community service teams and learn about our work from those who understand it best. You will also receive regular updates on our programs and progress.

  • Yes. If you’ve already written a Will but would like to add a gift to Anglicare Victoria you can easily do so by adding a codicil – which is a short legal amendment – to your existing Will with the help of your solicitor. Contact our Gifts in Wills team for a copy of our Codicil Instruction Guide and remember to discuss any updates to your Will with your loved ones and your solicitor.

  • We understand that your family and friends come first. All we ask is that once you’ve taken care of your family and friends in your Will, you also consider including a gift to Anglicare Victoria and any of your other favourite charities.

  • It’s a common myth that only the rich, famous or eccentric can leave money to charity in their Wills. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

    Thousands of Australians from all walks of life leave gifts to their favourite charities every year. Every gift we receive, however large or small, is important to us. They all add up. Even a small percentage of your estate can make a huge difference to vulnerable children, young people and families across Victoria.

  • Writing or updating a Will is not as expensive as you might think. Solicitors can provide estimates on request, but the cost will depend on how complex your personal affairs are. You can include a gift to Anglicare Victoria whenever you next have to revise or update your Will.

Contact the Gifts in Wills team

Our Gifts in Wills team is always happy to provide more information, help with any questions you have, and discuss your personal wishes confidentially.