Behind the scenes: Volunteer Profile

Margaret Kelly has been a supporter of Anglicare Victoria for over 20 years. She was heavily involved in the previous Mission to Streets and Lanes, President of the former Camberwell Auxiliary, delegate to the Central Council of Auxiliaries and is currently a member of the Anglicare Victoria Partnership Group (AVPG) at Holy Trinity Kew.

How did you become involved in Anglicare Victoria?

I first became involved with Anglicare when it was first initiated, having been a member of the Mission to Streets and Lanes Auxiliary. Apart from providing food parcels for the less fortunate in Fitzroy, I learnt about the rigorous procedure needed to become a foster carer and became interested to find out more.

As a member of the Auxiliary, I learnt about the vast number of programs and services that Anglicare run across the State. At our monthly meetings, we would invite a staff member who was involved with a particular program to speak to the group. It always amazed me to hear about the great variety of help Anglicare offers to families under stressful circumstances.

What would you tell someone about why they should get involved with Anglicare Victoria?

Many times I have been asked ‘What is Anglicare?’ My answer usually goes something like this: Anglicare is the Social Services arm of the Anglican Church. I find it extremely well run and I am very happy to support it. What would you like to know?

I like to inspire people to take an interest in those less fortunate than themselves and to offer them the opportunity to participate in a meaningful way. Parishioners who are recently retired are often looking for some meaningful cause to support and are happy to help when asked.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

My leisure time is spent reading, bushwalking regularly with friends, needlework, and golf. I also love catching up with my grandchildren’s activities.


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