COMPASS supports young people as they transition from Out-of-Home Care to adulthood. The program is funded through an innovative social impact bond with 55 investors.
“I have learnt so much in the past year and look forward to living independently, knowing that I have the support of my key worker.”
– COMPASS participant
Since its inception, the total program intake is 182 participants. Of this diverse group, 23 per cent identified as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and 10 per cent live with a disability. By 30 June 2022, 86 participants had completed the program.
Anglicare Victoria provides young people participating in the COMPASS program with practical support and case management through key workers. The goal-directed case management approach links young people with education, training, and job opportunities, while also providing financial, practical, and psychosocial support, and connecting them to health and wellbeing services.
“Without COMPASS I would have kept taking drugs…I would have continued on the path I was going down; I probably would have been in jail by now.”
– COMPASS participant
The program’s highly flexible model allows for tailored supports and referrals to address each young person’s particular needs – for example, support for young parents or linking to cultural strengthening programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people.
“The flexibility of COMPASS gives us as workers a great way to engage with the young people. We talk about their goals and what they want to achieve…and can give them advice on what they can do to reach them.”
– COMPASS key worker
The COMPASS model uses the concept of shared obligations. This is where COMPASS and the young people work in partnership to achieve goals. The program has improved outcomes for participants including connection to family and culture, and engagement in education and employment. The COMPASS program was established in 2018 as a partnership between Anglicare Victoria and VincentCare Victoria. In April 2022, the 55 investors received their first return on investment* of 6.4 per cent, from COMPASS Leaving Care Limited.
Of the young people who have participated in the COMPASS program:
- 80 per cent Engaged with support services.
- 78 per cent Engaged in employment or education training.
- 79 per cent Had a positive relationship with family.
Return on investment is calculated on a cohort of COMPASS clients (47) who had completed the two years and measured on their improvement of homelessness and hospital presentations, compared to a control group.
The 2022 Annual report can be found on our website.
To request a hard copy of this report, call us on 1800 809 722.