From emergency accommodation to a home of their own

With the pandemic still prevalent, the Victorian Government established a program in October 2021 to provide emergency accommodation for families experiencing homelessness. Homes for Families (H4F) supports families to move out of short-term accommodation and into secure homes that best fit their needs. Anglicare Victoria, along with three other community organisations, was asked by the government to respond swiftly to the needs of families residing in insecure and unsuitable accommodation.

Of the families AV assisted through H4F, nine in ten (88 per cent) parents were women. Three quarters were experiencing homelessness after fleeing family violence, and the majority were experiencing severe financial stress – most did not have a previous rental history as individuals, making it close to impossible for them to secure a new home.

“These families were becoming so desperate for housing that when they did find accommodation, often it wasn’t in the same region as their communities and support networks. One family had found a home in Werribee, but it was over an hour-and-a-half away from the children’s school – this obviously caused a host of other problems.” – Lucinda Bray, Manager of Homes for Families

A dedicated team of nine AV staff worked across the southern metro catchment region to provide families with the support they needed to get back on track. Once placed in a suitable
home, families were offered subsidised rent and personalised services based on their individual needs. They were also connected to the local community. H4F has so far helped more than 40 families out of crisis.

“Our team was able to find a stable property for a mother and her twin toddlers. Since moving in, the mum has secured a part-time job. We’ve also been able to source funding for her to have driving lessons, so she can work towards getting her full licence.” – Lucinda Bray, Manager of Homes for Families

Homes for Families (H4F) is a partnership with the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH), as well as EACH. The program is funded until January 2024.

The 2022 Annual report can be found on our website.

To request a hard copy of this report, call us on 1800 809 722.

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