“I come from a family who, going back to my grandfather’s days, has supported and been concerned about the disadvantaged and vulnerable children and adults less fortunate than ourselves – people who are often ‘hidden’ from view.
Not only is Anglicare Victoria inextricably connected to my parish, St Mark’s, it’s also one of the most compassionate, effective organisations assisting the marginalised.
“I’ve been fortunate in my life, in terms of health, education and employment. So I’ve made a deeply personal decision, reflecting three generations of lifetime values, to donate every month and pledge a percentage of my estate to Anglicare Victoria, through a gift in my Will. This ensures my loved ones are cared for, as well as the less advantaged in our community, in the years ahead.”
Naming Anglicare Victoria in your Will is a far-sighted and generous gift reflecting the values you hold dear and allowing them to continue for years to come. Friends of Anglicare Victoria is a special group of individuals, like Graham, who’ve notified us that they’ve named Anglicare Victoria as one of the beneficiaries of their Will. Friends are honoured for their thoughtfulness in a variety of ways. But, most importantly, you’ll be helping disadvantaged children and young families for generations to come. This is truly God’s love in action.
For further information:
Elizabeth Veal and Mary Croxford from our Gifts in Wills team are always happy to provide more information, help with any questions you have, and discuss your personal wishes confidentially.
- Elizabeth Veal – (03) 9412 6020
- Mary Croxford – (03) 9412 6006
- Email – giftsinwills@anglicarevic.org.au
- Website – anglicarevic.org.au/get-involved/bequests-gifts-in-wills