Anglicare Victoria work in many instances where family violence has affected the lives of the women and children that we help. Women like Gina*, who managed to escape an abusive partner and overcome substance abuse to turn her life around.
Gina grew up in rural Victoria and left home at fourteen. She had stopped seeing her family and was displaying ongoing high-risk behaviours, a result of the sexual abuse she had endured since the age of six. She moved in with some friends and became pregnant by the time she turned fifteen.
She then moved in with the man who would go on to inflict abuse and trauma on both Gina and her son. She was a victim of ongoing and extreme family violence for many years. As a result, she became involved with substance abuse and was at risk of having her child removed from her care.
Gina recalls the moment she realized what her options were:
“I knew I could either die of substance abuse, end up killed by him, or move to Melbourne and live with my sister and try to turn things around.”
Gina chose the third option. When she first got involved with Anglicare Victoria, her caseworker Wendy* was not sure if she would fully participate in the program.
“I initially believed that Gina would not engage with the program. However, ten months on from first meeting Gina, she is one of the most engaged clients that I have worked with. It is remarkable that Gina has been able to progress to where she is at now, and this shows her determination, resilience and courage,” Wendy says.
Gina is now a young mother with two children, a seven-year-old boy and an 18-month-old baby daughter. She resides in stable, private rental accommodation that she sourced herself.
Gina finally feels safe:
“Anglicare Victoria really helped us get back on track. I know that I can call my worker whenever I need to and she will be there for me. Anglicare has helped me and my family feel secure again.”
Although Gina and her children are now safe from family violence, there are many families out there that still need your help this Christmas.
* All names and images have been changed for privacy reasons.