11th May 2018
The following excerpt is from an article published in Child Magazine, written by Andrea Dwyer, regional director at Anglicare Victoria.
“It’s relentless, 24-7 and you rarely get to switch off. Motherhood – it’s a role where you look at those around you and secretly worry that everyone else is doing it better than you.
The lead up to Mother’s Day, which bombards us with images of ‘perfect’ mums with well-behaved children and immaculate homes – can make many mums feel like we are doing it all wrong.
Andrea Dwyer shows how a therapeutic peer-support program is teaching women that being a ‘good enough mum’ is, well….enough.”
To read the full article head to https://www.childmags.com.au/give-yourself-the-gift-of-being-a-good-enough-mum/
Andrea Dwyer is a regional director at Anglicare Victoria, overseeing the delivery of family violence, out-of-home care, disability, community and family services in Melbourne’s southern region. She is passionate about improving the lives of vulnerable children and families. She is a proud mum of two teenagers, 19 and 16.