25th April 2018
When we first met 12-year-old Zack*, he had experienced extreme neglect and witnessed violence and alcohol abuse. Zack had no bed to sleep on, only scraps to eat and was barely attending school. Knowing that he needed and wanted a better life, Zack asked a trusted person to help him find a safe place to live. “Anywhere, as long as it’s safe,” he said.
Thanks to supporters like you, we were able to place Zack with a dedicated Anglicare foster carer. He is doing much better now and is safe and happy. Zack is in Year 7 and loves school. He attends every day. Last year Zack bravely did a speech for house captain at his new school, and as he couldn’t read his speech, he memorised it – and won!
Zack now attends tutoring once a week through one of Anglicare’s education programs and also does extra tutoring at school. His caseworker is very proud of him: “Zack is one of the most resilient people I have ever met. He is an amazing young man who decided he wanted a better life than the one he was born into, and he did something about it. Given his background and the trauma he has experienced, he has achieved amazing personal outcomes.”
It’s thanks to our loyal donors and supporters that we can be there for children like Zack and protect them from harm, as well as empower them to reach their full potential.
*Names and images have been changed. Zack shared his story with Anglicare Victoria in February 2018.