“Australia’s housing crisis has reached fever pitch. Our ten-year Rental Affordability Snapshot shows the new Government is inheriting a true emergency,” said Anglicare Australia Executive Director Kasy Chambers.
“A person on JobSeeker, the Disability Support Pension, or Youth Allowance can afford 0% of rentals. An Age Pensioner can afford less than 1%. These numbers have been at rock bottom for the past ten years.
“The biggest change we’ve seen is for people earning the minimum wage. Across the board, affordability for workers on the minimum wage has halved. A couple with two parents working full-time can afford just 15% of rentals, down from 31% ten years ago. That includes rent assistance and tax benefits.
“This new Federal Government has a chance to stop this crisis from getting even worse – and to take action to make housing more affordable.
“That’s why Anglicare Australia is launching Homes for All, a twenty-year roadmap for affordable housing. The Roadmap calls for a program of tax reform. Those reforms will raise billions for a plan to boost social and affordable housing.
“We are calling on State, Territory and Local Governments to ensure there is affordable housing in every new development.
“And we’re calling for a new model of leasing that offers longer-term security and protects people from unfair rent increases. We are willing to work with any level of Government that is willing to trial that model.
“This roadmap offers a long-term plan for all levels Government to make housing more affordable. Our hope is that they will work together, and with us, to end this crisis for good.”
Homes for All: A Roadmap to Affordable Housing calls for:
– A ten-year regime of tax and policy reform
– A twenty-year program to expand social and affordable housing
– All new developments to include affordable housing
– A trial of secure leasing models for mainstream tenancies
– Reforms and increases to Commonwealth Rent Assistance
– Nationally consistent protections for renters.