10th April 2019
Thanks to your support we’re able to run holistic education and learning focused initiatives that transform lives, supporting young people to grow, learn and to succeed.
This Imagine we wanted to share with you some of our most high impact learning-focused programs.
TEACHaR program is designed to help vulnerable children in care to maintain school attendance, educational engagement and age-appropriate literacy and numeracy skills – given that children in care are at much higher risk of educational disengagement than children in the general population. TEACHaR works intensively with students on a one-to-one basis within the carers’ home, residential home or school. The direct teaching ranges from 2 to 10 hours per week, depending on the individual circumstances. TEACHaR also works closely with individual schools to transition the student into full attendance and deploy strategies that maintain that attendance.
The Buldau Yioohgen Youth Leadership Academy is the only academy of its kind in Australia, is facilitated by Anglicare Victoria and The Long Walk including Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Co-operative and Bendigo and District Aboriginal Co-operative. Together these organisations support young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to strive towards their educational, employment and leadership goals and connect young people with Elders. The program includes a week-long “Southern Experience” which is focused on visits to the community, cultural and sporting organisations in Melbourne and a “Northern Experience” where the young people learn about the importance of connecting with culture, leadership workshops and networking.
Navigator works with 12 to 17 year-olds who do not attend, or who are at risk of disengaging from school. Most have a long history of disengagement and have attended school for less than 30 percent of the term – with many facing complex issues such as mental health challenges that make it hard to sustain full-time education. We work with the young person to identify their challenges and future aspirations, while connecting with organisations that may already be working with the young person and supporting the parents who may feel burnt out trying to get their kids to attend school. Last year Navigator returned 104 kids to school.