Letter from a parent

Anglicare Victoria’s Parenting Program for Parents with a Mental Illness incorporates learning how to manage a mental illness together with parenting skills. One of the participants of the program, Kate, has kindly shared her experience:

Dear Friend,

Parenting is hard. Often parents report feelings of being overwhelmed and isolated. But when you have a mental illness, the issues feel like they are beyond your capabilities, and you become consumed with worrying about how you get through each day while being a supportive and present parent for your children.

When I was initially referred to the program I was overwhelmed. Caring for three children with a range of medical and psychological issues, as well as my own mental illness and health; we were doing the best that we could. Anything else was a bonus.

The Parenting for Parents with a Mental Illness program is unique from any other that I knew of. I fully engaged with the facilitators and the other parents, and it helped me connect with my daughter for the first time. I began to realise that I wasn’t alone. My situation wasn’t unique. That parenting is hard in general and having a mental illness didn’t define who I was as a parent. The group felt more like a parenting group, who were drawn together through our experiences with mental illnesses.

Thank you so much to the incredible Anglicare Victoria supporters who made this amazing program possible! I have gotten so much out of it, and know that it will have a lifelong effect on my family. I feel more confident in my parenting, I feel more connected to my children, and I know that bad days don’t define who I am as a parent.

Yours Sincerely,

Parenting Program for Parents with a Mental Illness is just one of the many support programs that we offer parents, all thanks to the support of loyal donors like yourself. On behalf of Kate and other parents who your support has helped, we thank you.


*Image has been changed.

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