For the past five years, Abbey has volunteered her time and energy as a foster carer with Anglicare Victoria. Abbey, along with her husband felt that they had the time, patience and love to give to children in need.
“I thought that it would be nice to give something back by volunteering. When we looked into what it took to become a foster parent we just thought ‘why not’?”
“We had already known a little about foster care through friends and family so when we decided we were ready to look into fostering I researched online and found out about Anglicare Victoria. After the first phone call we were very keen to become foster carers,” says Abbey.
As well as the initial and ongoing training, Anglicare Victoria offers ongoing support and many activities for volunteer foster carers, including information and training sessions to further develop carer knowledge and skills.
“Anglicare Victoria also offer many fun activities throughout the year for both carers, carer’s children, and foster children such as Easter party mini golf, movie days, and school holiday activities. I also attend a weekly foster carer playgroup and go along to a fortnightly carer support lunch.
For Abbey, the most rewarding part of volunteering as a foster carer is helping turn a young child’s life around and giving them the love and care they need.
“A personal benefit from volunteering is becoming a more humble person. I have learnt to judge less and try to see the positive in every scenario. Fostering has also taught our children that there are people in this world that are much less fortunate and to not take everything we have for granted,” says Abbey.
If you would like to find out more about becoming a foster carer, attend an upcoming, free information session in your area. Potential carers can ask extensive questions, learn about the experience, and speak with existing carers.
Find out more by attending an upcoming foster care information session in your area: