Program Story|18 April 2016
A remarkable milestone for the Rawlings.
Wilma Rawlings, along with her husband Kevin (pictured below) are two of Anglicare Victoria’s most experienced carers. This year the Rawlings celebrate...
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Program Story|18 April 2016
Wilma Rawlings, along with her husband Kevin (pictured below) are two of Anglicare Victoria’s most experienced carers. This year the Rawlings celebrate...
Program Story|18 April 2016
The Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY) is a two-year, home-based early learning and parenting program for families with young...
Program Story|18 April 2016
18th April 2016 No one knows better than Brianna* how hard it is to be a good parent. Growing up in out-of-home care, Brianna was short on parenting role...
Program Story|18 April 2016
For the last two years, Nicole has been a foster carer with Anglicare Victoria and has found the experience very rewarding. She speaks about her...
Program Story|18 April 2016
It’s widely known that music forms an important part of a young person’s identity and how they relate to the outside world as they look to embark on a...
Program Story|18 April 2016
The annual Murray to Moyne bike relay took place in early April, with The Flying Angels team going to great lengths to support Anglicare Victoria. Overall, the...
Program Story|18 April 2016
It’s 1am on a Tuesday morning. The phone rings, waking Nadine with a start. It’s Sonya, an Anglicare Victoria Foster Care Case Worker. Sonya has been in...
Media Releases|15 April 2016
Anglicare Victoria has welcomed the State Government’s $572 million funding response to the Royal Commission Recommendations into Family Violence and its...
Program Story|14 April 2016
Young people experiencing homelessness need access to supportive and well-resourced services which provide them with the help they need to get back on their...
Program Story|01 April 2016
Many stories of changed lives have emerged from, Beyond the Violence (BTV) For Wendy, Miranda and Simon, the changes have been significant. Wendy* used to...