12th June 2020
The byproduct of Victoria’s necessary pandemic restrictions, created sudden and significant pressure on already vulnerable Victorians. AV’s Parish Partnerships (PP) acted quickly to ensure our Emergency Relief support services adapted, to meet the ever-changing needs of the community as public guidelines were rolled out.
Emergency Relief centres introduced social distancing and regular sterilising of surfaces. To reduce gatherings of people, isolated families collected care packages at these locations by appointment. Clients were able to call to discuss needs and where required, staff arranged for personal deliveries.
AV was delighted to have in a kind donation of over 750 prepared meals from DNATA Catering. These meals will assist us in our Emergency Relief programs in Metropolitan Melbourne and some of our Regional Centres. On behalf of those in need, we sincerely thank DNATA Catering for their contribution.
Other initiatives included the extension of home services in the City of Yarra, providing home visits for individuals recently placed in temporary accommodation. This included the provision of food, and other essential items such as personal hygiene products (toothbrush, soap, etc.). Home visits also provided (distanced) social connection for those clients experiencing mental health issues.
PP in partnership with the Diocese of Melbourne opened a specialised service in St Stephens, Richmond, which targeted the emergency needs (food and referrals) of migrants, refugees, international students. This also provides help for the many that have recently become unemployed, but are unable to access government welfare services. This program formed an essential part in the community and we appreciate the support of the Diocese in assisting us in establishing this initiative.