Southern Foster Care is excited to announce the addition of the “Home-Based Care Transitional Care” pilot where foster carers provide up to three business days of care to children and young people in their own home.
Many people want to get involved in foster care but feel that they don’t have the time or flexibility required because of work or other commitments. Providing this type of care is a great option as placements are short-term (up to three business days) and carers will receive regular breaks by participating in an on-call roster.
In order to be considered, interested carers need to have a suitable spare bedroom, and have capacity to accommodate children and young people after hours.
How Does It Work?
- You will undergo an assessment and accreditation process (including training).
- Once accredited, you will be part of a roster where you remain on-call for a week at a time (this can be increased via negotiation with Anglicare Victoria).
- If required, Anglicare Victoria can assist in the initial set up of the spare bedroom, equipping the room with appropriate furniture to accommodate children or young people
- During your rostered week you may be contacted to provide a placement for a child or young person. This placement may be for up to three consecutive nights.
- You will receive an allowance for being on-call regardless of whether you receive a placement
- An additional care allowance will be provided when you have a placement to contribute to the cost of providing for their day-to-day needs.
Why Is It So Important?
- Children and young people often require accommodation at short notice in emergency situations and it is vital that we can offer safe and nurturing homes to meet their needs.
- The three days allows the Department of Health and Human Services time to carefully consider the child or young person’s needs and match them to a suitable long-term foster care placement.
How Can I Get Involved?
In order to provide this type of care you need to become an accredited foster carer. You can achieve this by:
- Step 1
Contact Leanne Donley, Volunteer Recruitment & Support Team to express your interest and receive an information pack.
- Step 2
Come along to one of our next information sessions being held on Wednesday 20th April (Dandenong) and Wednesday 25th May (Frankston).
- Step 3
Attend foster carer training on Saturday 28th May (9.30am – 4pm), Tuesday 31st May (6.00pm – 9.30pm) & Tuesday 7th June (6.00pm – 9.30pm).
Please Note – We run information sessions and training at multiple times throughout the year so there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.
Contact Details
Leanne Donley
Phone: 9706 8568
Mobile: 0499 016 445