Victims of crime to benefit as assistance program moves into Echuca police station.

Victims of crime in the Loddon Mallee region will benefit from a move to co-locate a Victims Assistance Program at the Echuca police station.

From 6 June, a Victim Support Worker from Anglicare Victoria’s Victims Assistance Program will be located at the Echuca Police Station for one day per week, assisting victims with navigating the criminal justice system.

According to Regional Director for the St Luke’s region of Anglicare Victoria Francis Lynch, the co-location will be a great asset to the local community.

“Having a counselling professional from the Victims Assistance Program ready to assist victims of crime at the police station will enable clients to receive the timely, ongoing, personal support they require with their recovery,” he said.

“It’s a positive move for the local community.’’

The Victims Assistance Program is a free service that provides a range of practical support, advocacy and therapeutic counselling to victims of crime.

The program helps victims communicate with police, get ready for court, manage personal safety, organise transport and medical services, assist with making a Victim Impact Statement for Court, assist with making submissions to the Adult Parole Board, organise counselling, apply for financial assistance and link with other services that can help.

The Victims Assistance program is funded by the Department of Justice and Regulation Victims Support Agency.

The co-location will be launched at 2:00pm on Tuesday June 6th, at Echuca Police Station, 143 Anstruther St, Echuca.

Representatives from Anglicare Victoria, the Department of Justice, the Victims Support Agency and Victoria Police will be in attendance.

The service can be accessed by contacting the Victims of Crime Helpline on 1800 819 817 (8am to 11pm, 7 days a week) or contacting Anglicare Victoria directly on 1800 244 323.

For media enquiries contact: Tel: 0419 035 117

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