Recently, a team of Tennis Australia employees, along with National Indigenous Coach Ian Goolagong offered their support over one day to provide a major spring clean at one of Anglicare Victoria’s respite houses in Lorne.
The team took on gardening, minor house repairs and general cleaning in order to make the house welcoming for Anglicare Victoria’s clients and families who often visit to take a break throughout the year.
“The great work done by the volunteers from Tennis Australia has made a big difference to the house at Lorne. The property is now an even better place for clients and families to take a much needed rest and some time out amongst beautiful surroundings. This really does make a difference for young people and their families.” said Anglicare Victoria’s Community Development Coordinator, David Law.
“Volunteering opportunities such as these also enable the relationship between Tennis Australia and Anglicare Victoria to continue to evolve,” he said.
A second team of Tennis Australia staff also helped sort toys as part of the annual Toy and Food Appeal. “The volunteers provided much needed assistance at one of our busiest times of the year. Unpacking and sorting toys that have been kindly donated from businesses, schools and members of the public allows us to provide gifts to children who would otherwise receive nothing,” said Mr Law.
Throughout the year, volunteers assist Anglicare Victoria on a daily basis with countless tasks including becoming foster carers, respite carers and tutors at our homework clubs through to serving meals to people experiencing homelessness, working in the Lilydale Op-Shop and assisting at fundraising events including Altitude Shift.
Click here to find out more about volunteering opportunities at Anglicare Victoria.