We came to give

At the request of the State Government, our response team bravely stepped up to support COVID-19 positive families in two of the public housing towers. One of our dedicated team members is Rodolfo, Program Manager for our Youth & Parish Partnerships program. Rodolfo grew up in the public housing around Kensington, so when he heard the towers were going into lockdown, he knew that he wanted to help right away.

“Some people looked really sick; some didn’t understand they were positive, so we had to tell them which was challenging. One person was down to their last pill for psychiatric medicine; another was asthmatic and had run out of their Ventolin.”

“Communities like this have helped shape me to become the person I am today. My family came to Australia as asylum seekers. I was 4 when we arrived and lived in the Commission flats of Kensington till about age 25. I’m 34 now, and still connected to that community. The diverse people and culture that make up the communities of Commission Housing have a lot to give to the wider community. They didn’t come here to take. That’s not what they want; they came to give back.”

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