Orange Door will open a new era in keeping women and children safe from violence


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday 4th October 2018.

Anglicare Victoria welcomes the Victorian Government’s announcement that a new Orange Door support and safety hub will be established in Bendigo.

Anglicare Victoria’s Bendigo regional office will be one of main partners in establishing the new service through its ChildFIRST Service which links families with care and services to support their children’s wellbeing and development.

Regional director Francis Lynch said he looked forward to collaborating with other services in establishing Orange Door in Bendigo including Annie North, Centre for Non-Violence and Loddon Campaspe Centre Against Sexual Assault.

“The safety of women and children is our absolute priority,’’ he said.

“We are looking forward to working closely with services across the region to ensure there is no wrong door for women and children experiencing violence to get the help they need.

“Improved information sharing will also mean we can all do more to hold perpetrators of violence accountable and protect vulnerable women and children.’’

A key principle of the service is that there is no wrong door for families seeking support or advice. The Orange Door is welcoming and evokes a sense of hope, giving people the
support they need before they reach crisis point.

Orange Door support and safety hubs, are a key recommendation of the Royal Commission into Family Violence, and are being rolled out in Department of Health and Human Services across Victoria. More than 15,000 people have already been referred to The Orange Door since commencement of the service.

Further enquiries contact: P: (03) 9412 6173