Research & Publications

Rental Affordability Snapshot 2021

Anglicare Victoria’s 2021 Rental Affordability Snapshot (RAS) was conducted as part of the national Snapshot undertaken by Anglicare Australia.

The snapshot analysed 33,710 Victorian rental listings from 27 March 2021, finding that less than half the number of rental properties were available in regional Victoria compared to the same time last year. Fewer than 10 per cent of these were suitable for any type of low income household without putting them into housing stress.

“When the snapshot was taken on Saturday 27 March, only 15 of Victoria’s 48 regional local government areas had rental properties available. The situation is very bad for many, and is worse in 2021 for most groups compared to the year before.

Options to address the situation include a rise to income support payments beyond the $25/fortnight announced in 2021, improved mental health and family violence support, Commonwealth rent assistance and innovative funding models such as social impact bonds.

Rental Affordability Snapshot 2020

Rental Affordability

Anglicare Victoria’s 2020 Rental Affordability Snapshot (RAS) was conducted as part of the national Snapshot undertaken by Anglicare Australia. The RAS is an advocacy and media tool developed by Anglicare Australia to initiate conversations around housing issues for lower-income households and to lobby for policy changes on rental affordability at the national and local levels.

The Victorian Rental Affordability Snapshot 2020 covered 31 Local Government Areas (LGAs) from across metropolitan Melbourne, as well as 48 LGAs from the regional and coastal areas of Victoria.

The aim of the Snapshot is to calculate the proportion of advertised rental properties that are both affordable and appropriate for different household types on the minimum wage, or on a Commonwealth income support payment or pension. These individuals and families make up much of Anglicare Victoria’s client base within our family support programs, family violence services, alcohol-and-other-drug treatment programs, out-of-home-care services, and other program areas. These are some of our society’s most vulnerable people.

Rental Affordability Snapshot 2019

Anglicare Victoria’s 2019 Rental Affordability Snapshot (RAS) was conducted as part of the national Snapshot undertaken by Anglicare Australia. This is the 9th consecutive annual Snapshot for AV.

The RAS examined how much access people on low incomes have to the private rental market. AV’s 2019 RAS covered 48 local government areas (LGAs) in metropolitan Melbourne and Victorian rural, regional and coastal areas, where we offer services.

We looked at 15,750 private rental listings and calculated what proportion were suitable for households on either minimum wage, a Commonwealth pension or income support. To be suitable, a property had to offer enough bedrooms and cost less than 30% of a household’s total income, since paying more indicates housing stress.

The snapshot aims to learn what proportion of advertised rental properties are both affordable and have enough bedrooms to enable individuals and families to avoid overcrowding. The affordability of housing was calculated for individuals and families subsisting on the minimum wage or a Commonwealth income support payment or pension. The results show that across various regions in Victoria the proportion of affordable and appropriate rentals was close to zero for many of the low income groups.

TEACHaR ‘Outcomes that Matter’ 

Drawing on data collected over the last 6 years of the TEACHaR program, this report provides further support for the program’s efficacy at improving educational outcomes for children and young people in care.

Over the last 6 years, the program has expanded and there are now more than 20 teachers producing exceptional outcomes for one of the most vulnerable client groups in Victoria.


TEACHaR ‘Evaluation 2018’ 

Multiple Australian and international studies have shown that, compared to children and young people in the general population, children and young people in out-of-home care (OHC) have poor educational outcomes. Have a read of our 2018 evaluation of our TEACHaR program.


Strategic Plan

This Strategic Plan maps our path toward a better future for the children, parents, families and young people we work with. These strategic directions guide our day to day activities, our relationships with parishes, with government and with the communities we work in. They also direct our longer-term development so that every step takes us toward better responses to vulnerable children, youth and families.


Rental Affordability Snapshot 2018

Anglicare Victoria’s 2018 Rental Affordability Snapshot (RAS) was conducted as part of the national Snapshot undertaken by Anglicare Australia. The aim of the Snapshot is to learn what proportion of advertised rental properties are both affordable and have enough bedrooms to enable individuals and families to avoid overcrowding. The affordability of housing was calculated for individuals and families subsisting on the minimum wage or a Commonwealth income support payment or pension. The results show that across various regions in Victoria the proportion of affordable and appropriate rentals was close to zero for many of the low income groups.

Exploring the Nature of Gambling Issues for Young People

The Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation provided funding for Anglicare Victoria to undertake a study in a small and large rural community in Loddon Mallee.  The study was undertaken to understand the motivations, origins and context of young people gambling and how that is understood and perceived by their peers and others who are not affected by gambling.

The study,  “Exploring the nature of gambling issues for young people living in rural communities”  identifies one key theme as a causative risk and that is “Normalisation”. Three subthemes were identified:

  • The interaction between normalisation and trauma-based experience
  • The role of structure and agency and normalisation
  • The hidden nature of gambling

RAS Mini Report – Anglicare Victoria (2017)

Rental Affordability

The Rental Affordability Snapshot (RAS) is an annual project coordinated by Anglicare Australia. Now in its 8th year, the RAS details the proportion of rental properties on the private market that are appropriate and affordable for a range of low-income client groups. This report contains only the Victorian data. This year, data from was captured. The results show that across various regions in Victoria the proportion of affordable and appropriate rentals was close to zero for many of the low income groups. Low income earners, in particular those who rely on income support, are systematically excluded from the private rental market. Families where both partners are earning the minimum wage are slightly better off, but in general are locked out of large portions of the private rental market as well.

Raising Our Children Guiding Young Victorians in Care into Adulthood

Deloitte photoA Socioeconomic Cost Benefit Analysis by Deloitte Access Economics.






Children in Care Report Card (2016)

ChildrenInCareReport_web-1This is the fourth edition of Anglicare Victoria’s annual Children in Care Report Card and remains one of the few publications in Australia that compares the outcomes of children and young people in care with their peers in the community. The findings once again highlight the disparities in outcomes between children and young people in care, and focuses on Physical Health, Emotional and Social Development, Learning, Education and Employment, Continuity of Care and Stability, Family and Social Relationships, Indigenous Identity and Connection to Culture and Self-Care. This work contributes to a national conversation on the need to ensure that all children and young people in care are provided with the appropriate supports to achieve their full potential.




RAS Mini Report – Anglicare Victoria (2016)

Rental AffordabilityThe Rental Affordability Snapshot (RAS) is an annual project coordinated by Anglicare Australia. Now in its 7th year, the RAS details the proportion of rental properties on the private market that are appropriate and affordable for a range of low-income client groups. This report contains only the Victorian data. In 2016 Anglicare Victoria collected data from in addition to the standard data collection through, to more accurately capture the private rental market options for young people on income support, specifically the Youth Allowance. As with previous years, the results show that across various regions in Victoria the proportion of affordable and appropriate rentals was close to zero for many of the low income groups. The only exception was for couples where both individuals are earning the minimum wage, who had access to a greater proportion of appropriate and affordable rentals, but only in the outer ‘growth’ suburbs and regional locations.


Out-of-Home Care Outcomes Framework – Theoretical underpinnings (2016)

This paper describes the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of Anglicare’s OoHC outcomes framework.






TEACHaR Year 3 Snapshot (2016)

TEACHaR_3 year snapshotDrawing on data collected over three years of the TEACHaR program, this report provides further support for the program’s efficacy at improving educational outcomes for children and young people in care.






Victoria Police VISION Program Evaluation (2016)

VISION program outcomes evaluationAn evaluation undertaken by Anglicare Victoria on a pilot program run by Victoria Police in the Western suburbs of Melbourne. The program aimed to divert at-risk young men from further contact with the Criminal Justice System by engaging then in a 13-week skills training and mentoring program.





Children in Care Report Card (2015)

Children in Care Report 2015The 3rd annual report comparing the outcomes of children and young people in care to their peers in the community across a range of developmental and psychosocial areas. The 2015 report was based on information obtained from the Looking After Children Assessment and Progress Records of 315 children and young people who had been placed with Anglicare from January 2013 to January 2015. The report highlights that children and young people in care have higher rates of emotional and behavioural difficulties, and access mental health services at a much higher rate than their peers in the community. They also have a higher prevalence of alcohol and drug use, a higher rate of disabilities, are less likely to be able to function independently at a level that matches their age and ability, and are less likely to participate in community-based events and activities.



Profiles of Children in Care (2015)

Outcomes of children and young people across care typesDrawing on the same data utilised for the Children in Care Report Card, this paper explores the different profiles of children in care based on their placement type, age and gender. Across a number of comparisons young people in residential care were found to have significantly worse outcomes than children and young people in foster or kinship care.




Baby and Me (2015)

Baby and Me_imageThis is an exploratory study investigating the perceived need/demand for a model to work specifically with young women who become pregnant while in care, or shortly after leaving care.

The project identified that there is considerable demand for such a model, and also proposed a number of key features of a therapeutic community approach to working with this particularly vulnerable cohort.



TEACHaR Year 2 Evaluation (2015)

TEACHaR 2 year snapshotTEACHaR (Transforming Educational Achievement for Children in Home-based and Residential care) is Anglicare’s specialist educational program. The program employs registered teachers who are embedded within our out-of-home care teams to work with children, families/carers and schools. The program operates at multiple ‘system’ levels, aiming to have an impact not just on the educational performance and achievement of children and young people, but also on their learning environments, and on the broader educational systems’ understanding and capacity to meet the needs of children and young people with complex histories of trauma. This report presents data for two years’ of program delivery, and shows that across most indicators children and young people who had received at least 6 months of intervention were achievement better educational outcomes compared to baseline assessments.



Being a-part- A short report (2015)

Being a part_imageThe Being A/part project was a collaboration across the Anglicare Australia research network. The project explored the relationship between childhood adversity, sense of belonging, perceived social support and a range of psychosocial outcomes among young people engaged with social services. This report provides a brief overview of the project and the main findings.





Hey Babe (2014)

Hey Babe report_imageAn evaluation of an early parenting support program. The evaluation of Hey Babe was a collaboration between Anglicare Victoria and the Latrobe/Baw Baw Intensive Family Services Alliance, including QEC and Quantum Support Services. The report presents the results of a mixed-methods evaluation, and finds some modest improvements associated with parenting confidence and practices.





Stopping adolescent violence in the home (2011)

Stopping adolescent violence in the home_imageAn outcomes evaluation of Breaking the Cycle.





The care factor: Rewards and challenges of raising foster children (2011)

The Care Factor_imageThis report investigated the demographic profile of Anglicare Victoria’s foster carers, as well as the perceived challenges and rewards of fostering.





CIAO Report (2010)

CIAO Report_Image
Care-system Impacts on Academic Outcomes. This report was a collaboration between Anglicare Victoria and Wesley Mission, and represents one of the first studies investigating the impacts of OoHC on academic achievement. The project identified distinct clusters of children and young people with differential needs and risk profiles, linked to their histories of trauma, the presence of disabilities and/or disorders, and educational outcomes.





Anglicare Victoria (AV) has a dedicated research team who work closely with program staff and external stakeholders to design research that can inform practice.

AVREC is no longer considering applications for projects that do not involve sampling of AV clients (current/former), staff or volunteers, or service data. If your proposed project does not involve such sampling, we will not be able to consider it and you will need to apply to another ethics committee.

The main focus of research is on the Out-of-Home Care system, including projects that explore the profiles, needs and developmental trajectories of children and young people in care; projects that investigate outcomes linked to child and adolescent well-being; and program evaluations.

Collectively, the team have a breadth of research and practice experience in the community service and criminal justice sectors.

The research team have a strong relationship with a range of external stakeholders, including the University of Melbourne, Deakin University and the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare. AV welcomes research collaborations with programs/service streams internally and externally, as well as with external researchers who seek to conduct research projects with our clients and/or staff.

In addition, AV has a Human Research Ethics Committee that is recognised by the National Health and Medical Research Council. The Anglicare Victoria Research Ethics Committee (AVREC) reviews internal and external research regardless of whether they involve access to AV staff, clients or data.
External research projects are reviewed for a fee.

For more information about research at AV, please contact David Giles