Is Victoria’s housing affordable right now?
Anglicare Victoria’s 2020 Rental Affordability Snapshot (RAS) was conducted as part of the national snapshot undertaken by Anglicare Australia. The RAS was designed to highlight the challenges faced by people on low incomes and income support and to make a case for change.
The 2020 Victorian Rental Affordability Snapshot looked at more than 19,000 property listings across the state, from metropolitan Melbourne to the farthest corners of country Victoria.
The RAS report is about the proportion of advertised rental properties that are both affordable and appropriate for different household types on the minimum wage, or on a Commonwealth income support payment or pension. These individuals and families make up much of Anglicare Victoria’s client base within our family support programs, family violence services, alcohol-and-other-drug treatment programs, out-of-home-care services, and other program areas. They are some of society’s most vulnerable people, and the RAS shows just how hard it is for many of them to find a safe and affordable place to live.