Outcomes that matter
Designed and delivered by Anglicare Victoria, the TEACHaR (Transforming Educational Achievement for CHildren at Risk) program helps children in care to regain their confidence and rediscover the fun of learning.
The Department of Health and Human Services (now the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing) oversaw and endorsed this evaluation of TEACHaR, which measured progress across five areas: school attendance, numeracy, literacy, attitude to learning, mental health and wellbeing.
The report found that 94 per cent of students improved in at least one of the evaluation areas. Almost three quarters (74 per cent) of students in the evaluation either maintained or improved school attendance. The number of students attending school full-time doubled (from 26 per cent to 52 per cent) and the number of students not attending any school halved over the six-month period in question.
Close to 60 per cent of students in the evaluation group either improved or maintained their mental health and wellbeing during the period being studied.