Tuesday October 17
The demand for help from Anglicare Victoria’s Warrnambool Emergency Relief Centre soared in 2016-17.
The centre’s free community breakfast program served up 1269 free meals compared to 665 the previous year.
It also provided 2,053 emergency relief packages to people in South-West Victoria, increasing from 1,373 the previous year.
During Anti-Poverty Week, Anglicare Victoria Community Development Coordinator Louise Serra called on more volunteers to help meet the growing demand, especially in the lead-up to Christmas.
“Many people are struggling, particularly with the recent dairy crisis and the continually changing and unsteady economic climate.”
“These issues are also underlying factors for mental health issues.”
“Energy and gas bills have skyrocketed and this is seriously affecting vulnerable people on low incomes who are being forced to choose between paying the bills or putting food on the table.”
“The food parcels we provide are critical for people in crisis and provide temporary relief which may include a tailored support pack to help improve the situation in the long term,” she said.
Anglicare Victoria’s 15 emergency relief centres provided relief to 21,972 people state-wide in 2016-17 and 4,471 people were supported across the organisation’s homeless support programs.
The Christmas Store in Warrnambool provides an opportunity for people who have struggled throughout the year to access a gift for themselves and their immediate family members. Gifts are chosen by the client and are brand new, unwrapped and donated by the local parishes and community.
If you would like to volunteer, need help from the team, or to offer a gift or money for purchasing Christmas gifts, phone Louise Serra on 0458 750 351
Further enquiries contact: media@anglicarevic.org.au Tel: 0419 035 117