14th June 2018
When we first met thirteen-year-old Mia*, she had been in out-of-home care since she was three and lived in a few different foster and residential care homes. Mia had no contact with her extended family and was not attending school.
Thanks to donations from amazing supporters like you, we were able to place Mia into one of Anglicare’s specialised therapeutic programs that aims to work with children and get them back to a stable family life.
Throughout the program, Mia flourished. The one-on-one tutoring she received as well as the home care given to her helped her turn her life around. In just six months, Mia’s school performance increased significantly thanks to speech therapy and daily homework.
While she was in Anglicare’s care, one of the program staff looked up Mia’s extended family and managed to identify an aunt and uncle as possible long-term carers for Mia. Through weekly sessions, Anglicare helped to connect Mia with her family, first in the community, then in their home, and eventually Mia had some overnight stays.
Anglicare worked closely with Mia’s aunt and uncle to ensure they were confident and ready to care for her. In December last year, Mia moved into her aunt and uncle’s home, in time to spend Christmas with her family.
Mia has been able to remain at her current school and now catches the bus to school by herself. Mia had previously been unable to cross the road without assistance, and her aunt and uncle are so proud of how far she’s come!
It is only because of loyal donors and supporters like you that we were able to transform Mia’s life, reconnect her with her family, and give her the opportunity for a bright future.
*Names and images have been changed