How Do You Engage A Student Who Is Withdrawn And Disinterested?

Whether you’re a parent, a carer or a teacher, you may be concerned about a child who seems to be withdrawn and Disinterested in school, family, friendships or daily life.

Sadly, this is a growing trend in Victoria. Between 2018 and 2021, school refusal grew 50% in Victoria, with 11,825 students in government schools recorded as absent in 2021.

However, there are ways you can engage a student who is withdrawn and Disinterested. Anglicare Victoria explains several options in this post:

Understand the reasons why they’re withdrawn and Disinterested

Talking to the student and trying to understand why they’re withdrawn from school is the first step. There are a range of things that may be causing their withdrawal and disinterest. These include:

  • Bullying
  • Peer conflict
  • Anxiety or stress
  • Learning difficulties
  • Moving homes
  • Family issues

Once we figure out why a child is withdrawn and Disinterested, we’re able to address the issue and talk it through with the student.

Speak with the school/the parents

Whether you’re a teacher or a parent who is concerned about a child’s disengagement, the next step is to consult the other party involved – the parent/caregiver if you’re a teacher, or the school if you’re a parent/caregiver.

Notifying the other party about the child’s withdrawal and disinterest is a key way to tackling the issue. This way, the child feels supported in both a family and an educational way. Some students can be difficult to get to open up about their feelings, so it’s important to give them time and patience.

Brainstorm solutions

Once you’ve understood the child’s reasoning for becoming withdrawn and Disinterested, flexible solutions should be offered and trialled in order to re-engage the student in their school life. This could involve:

  • Having a meeting with other peers with whom the student is engaged in conflict
  • Student counselling
  • Seeing a psychologist to address anxiety or depression
  • Family therapy to address issues at home
  • Seeking additional learning resources for a student with learning difficulties.

Anglicare’s Meridian Youth and Family Therapy program

Anglicare Victoria also offers the Meridian Youth and Family Therapy program which is available for all Victorian families and students. Our Meridian program provides short, medium and long term support to help assist with a myriad of student-related issues, including school withdrawal, bullying, anxiety, behavioural problems, grief and loss, social isolation and many others.

Anglicare Victoria can provide expert assistance if your child is a disengaged student. Through our Meridian Youth and Family Therapy program, we strengthen relationships and improve family functioning while also focusing on the evolving needs of the young person. Many of the families referred to this program want to find solutions to their problems and we know that each person in the family is impacted differently when there are worries, problems or conflict and communication difficulties. Contact Anglicare Victoria to learn more about how we can assist you.


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