Every child is going to show some disinterest in the classroom occasionally. It’s normal for students to have subjects which they’re interested in, and some they’re less interested in.
But what about when students show a complete disinterest in going to school altogether?
Students who are Disinterested in school are usually feeling this way due to specific reasons. It’s important to consider their feelings first, and ask what’s causing their aversion to school.
Here, Anglicare Victoria outlines information on Disinterested students and offers several ways to handle them.
Student disinterest: why does it happen?
Any type of student can start becoming Disinterested in school. We’ve seen students who are typically very studious and academic become Disinterested in going to school, despite their excellence in it. It can happen quickly, or it can happen gradually.
There are several different possible causes for students becoming Disinterested in school. These include, but are not limited to:
- Bullying
- Peer conflict
- Anxiety or stress
- Learning difficulties
- Moving homes
- Family issues
- Lack of confidence in the classroom
How to handle Disinterested students
Every child is different. This means that every child should be treated as an individual case if they’re experiencing a withdrawal from school. In general, the best ways to handle Disinterested students include:
- Talking with the student
It’s important to come from a place of empathy and understanding when starting a conversation with an Disinterested student about why they’re withdrawing from the classroom. Usually, students are experiencing a personal issue when they’ve become Disinterested in school. Gently ask them what’s causing their sudden dislike of school.
- Talking to their teachers
Consulting the school happens next. By making the school and the student’s teachers aware that the student is showing little interest in education, you’re offering the young person another pillar of support. Schools generally have excellent resources, like student counsellors, for when they’re experiencing tough times. It may also be beneficial to request a meeting with one of their favourite teachers, one which they trust, to talk about what kind of issues they’re experiencing.
- Accessing Anglicare Victoria’s Meridian program
Anglicare Victoria also offers the Meridian Youth and Family Therapy program which is available for all Victorian families and students. Our Meridian program provides short, medium and long term support to help assist with a myriad of student-related issues, including school withdrawal, bullying, anxiety, behavioural problems, grief and loss, social isolation and many others.
Disinterested students can obtain lifechanging help through Anglicare Victoria’s Meridian Youth and Family Therapy program. We strengthen relationships and improve family functioning while also focusing on the evolving needs of the young person. Many of the families referred to this program want to find solutions to their problems and we know that each person in the family is impacted differently when there are worries, problems or conflict and communication difficulties. Contact Anglicare Victoria to learn more about how we can assist you.