26th September 2018
One-year-old Amy* was removed from her parent’s care due to safety concerns and is currently living with her grandmother Beth*. Beth does not receive any financial support from Child Protection, which makes it difficult for her to pay for any recreational activities that Amy needs. Beth was also struggling to meet other parents and grandparents who have children the same age.
Thanks to funds from our Better Tomorrows program, which is completely supported by your generous donations, Anglicare was able to pay for some recreational activities for Amy, which also helped Beth meet other parents and build a support network for herself.
Amy now regularly attends swimming lessons at her local community centre and is a member of the community toy library where she enjoys playing with various interactive and educational toys. Her grandmother was also able to buy an annual zoo membership for the both of them, and Amy loves visiting the animals.
Beth continues to manage the care of Amy by herself with minimal support. Although she is still under financial and emotional strain, the extra activities that she is now able to pay for Amy to attend have helped the both of them enormously. It is only because of loyal supporters like you that this was possible, so thank you!
*Names and images have been changed.