The Impact Of Fostering On Your Own Family, And How To Involve Them In The Fostering Journey

Fostering a child as a family can be an enriching experience for all members of the household. Parents have the opportunity to give a foster child a safe, happy environment, and biological children can benefit from learning the importance of being caring and compassionate, and even your pets will have an extra person to receive pats from!


All parents want to get the most out of their fostering experiences, and make a positive impact on the lives on their own children, as well as their foster child’s.

Here, the team at Anglicare Victoria tell us how fostering can impact the family as a unit, and how to involve the entire family in the fostering journey.


Impacts of fostering on the whole family

The great thing about fostering as a family is that every member of the household has a chance to get something positive out of the experience. Let’s take a look at the different ways fostering can impact your family:

  • The ability to work as a team
    Fostering requires team work from every member of the family. There’ll probably be some challenges along the way, and working as a team will be required to overcome them.
  • The importance of making sacrifices
    Something that’s incredibly important for children to learn about is the idea of making sacrifices in order to benefit others. Fostering can bring this notion to the forefront of their minds. For example, your child may have to share their space, their belongings and their time with a new foster sibling so that they too can have a happy, safe environment. This can often teach your children the value of making sacrifices for the wellbeing of others – something that sticks with them for life.
  • The chance to learn about empathy
    One of the greatest positive impacts that fostering can have on your family is the chance to teach your kids the importance of empathy. By carefully explaining why this new household member needs a safe environment to live in, you’re leading a great example, and showing your children how to put empathy and compassion first.
  • Broadening horizons
    And, of course, there’s the impact of broadening your children’s (and even your own) horizons. Fostering is a chance for your family members to observe how less fortunate Australians live, and to do something to help out in a really big way.

How to involve your family in the fostering process

Getting the whole family involved in the fostering process is a key ingredient to the success of your fostering experience. Here are some ways to achieve this:

  • Talk to them
    Talking to your partner, children and parents about the idea of fostering is always a great place to start. Being open to questions and not shying away from difficult conversations is key.
  • Allow some time for adjusting
    Welcoming a foster child into the home is a big change for everyone, and there’s no doubt that your family may need some time to adjust. There might be challenges and teething problems, but it’s important to stay focussed on the reason why you decided to foster in the first place: to give vulnerable children the safe, loving environment they deserve.
  • Have conversations about roles
    Every member of the household plays a role when you welcome a foster child into the home. As a parent, you know your role: to provide love and care for this child and give them a safe, supportive environment. Your biological children, however, may not grasp the idea that they too play a role in their new living arrangement. 

Children who are older than their foster sibling, for example, can play a huge part in being a role model – somebody to look up to. Most children welcome this responsibility and thrive in it.

Contact your local agency today

Foster caring as a family can have positive impacts on the whole household. If you’ve decided on helping the community in the biggest way possible, Anglicare Victoria can help you start the journey of foster care. Our mission is to empower and support children who’ve had a tough start to life by giving them safe, loving foster homes all over Victoria. If you’re interested in becoming a foster carer, contact our Carer Recruitment Team and enquire about applying today.

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