Written by Cam Turnbull | Education Specialist | TEACHaR
As one of Anglicare Victoria’s TEACHaR Education Specialists, every day I work with vulnerable kids. Most of them are completely disengaged with school and feel pretty alienated by the education system.
TEACHaR, provides one-on-one support to children in the out of home care system with tailored support, including academic assistance, social skills development, and future planning. These children have experienced trauma and disruption in their lives, and as a result, their education has suffered. TEACHaR is designed to help the students to re-engage with education and to have the same opportunities as their peers.
Team Better Tomorrows is a new way for you, our supporters to get behind the TEACHaR program and help our most vulnerable kids rewrite their futures and break the cycle of disadvantage.
Students like Rose* who after a traumatic upbring, thought she would never go back to school, and couldn’t even remember the last time she attended. She only saw a future as a house sitter, or cleaner, a job where she didn’t have to interact with anyone.
Joining the TEACHaR program in 2021, Rose started back at school and began to see herself in a new light with possibilities for her future. “I could be who I wanted to be. I didn’t have to be ‘social-anxiety Rose, I can be whoever and whatever I want”.
Many of the students I work with, can be two to three years behind their peers. These students have not been given the same opportunities that other children have, TEACHaR affords them the extra assistance that they need.
By putting your support behind TEACHaR through Team Better Tomorrows, you will ensure more kids get the individualised assistance they need to re-engage in school and create a new, strong educational foundation – one they can continue to build upon. It’s the foundation that will open the door to new ambitions and opportunities.
TEACHaR helped Rose with her academic skills in Maths and English, but more importantly, rebuilt her confidence and self-belief. She says, “I think if other kids could do TEACHaR, they might be able to go to school again and have a real future”.
TEACHaR is providing a sense of hope and the opportunity to rewrite the future for many vulnerable students. Support this life changing program and join Team Better Tomorrows today. #TeamBetterTomorrows