Who is the best organisation to donate to?

Donating to our organisation

Anglicare Victoria relies on the donations and contribution of our community to fund the programs we offer. We appreciate any and all support that can be offered, including gifts and volunteering.

The best charity or organisation to donate to will be dependent on your interests and passions. We always recommend that you research charities that provide services and programs around areas that you are personally passionate about, so you can feel the meaningful impact your donation has made.

How to donate

You can choose to make a one-off donation or set up ongoing donation. All donations $2 and over are tax deductible, and we are grateful for all contributions that help support our work. All donations can be made online, and are used to provide essential resources, food and hygiene products and counselling.

Making a bequest

Many people find value in allocating a fixed amount or a percentage of their estate to a charity in their will. This charitable bequest lets you leave a lasting impact on your community and on an issue or cause you feel passionate about. All bequests are used to fund our programs and services, and you can inform us of a particular service or area that you would like your gift to go towards. Our dedicated Gifts in Wills team can help you with all the resources and information you need to complete or adjust your will.

For any information about including a Gift in your Will to Anglicare Victoria please call:

Peter Burt (Mon – Thu) | Phone Line: (03) 9412 6197 | Mobile: 0499 002 924
Mary Croxford (Tue – Fri) | Phone Line: (03) 9412 6006 | Mobile: 0419 439 038
Email: giftsinwills@anglicarevic.org.au

Our team of over 1700 staff and volunteers make a huge difference in allowing us to support and empower families and children. In order to achieve our goals we rely on the financial support of our community in Victoria and are forever grateful for any and all donations made.

Our programs and services

We offer a range of services designed for families in need, including the incredible work our foster carers, the education support we offer and many more programs run by our amazing team. It is our mission to empower children and families, and allow them the same opportunities as all other Victorians. By contributing to Anglicare you are helping us to fund our programs, including:

Donate today

If you would like to find out more information on donations you can contact our team, or read more about our available services. For those needing services or support please contact us on 1800 809 722.

Make a donation

Learn more about foster care

Make a Parish Partnership

Volunteer with Anglicare