Anglicare Victoria was formed on 1 July 1997 following the amalgamation of three founding agencies: the Mission of St James and St John; St John’s Home for Boys and Girls; and the Mission to the Streets and Lanes.
In 2014 St Luke’s Anglicare also became a part of Anglicare Victoria. As a result Anglicare Victoria took over responsibility for all the records for past clients who were supported by the founding agencies, including former children’s homes and institutions.
More information on the founding agencies is available through the Find and Connect website.
Requests for Records
Anglicare Victoria holds past client records from the many children’s homes and services run by the founding agencies.
We value the history of our organisation and are continuing to improve the preservation of records including their accessibility for past clients and their families.
Anglicare Victoria offers a supported release of records and referrals to support services.
If you wish to access a copy of records held by Anglicare Victoria or would like to speak to someone about your experiences in care, please contact Heritage Services on (03) 9412 6133.
You can also download the Records Request Application and return it by post or email, along with supporting documentation to Heritage Services, Anglicare Victoria PO Box 45 Abbotsford VIC 3067 or
Reunion for care leavers
Each year a Christmas Reunion is held for past clients who spent time as children living in any of the former homes or institutions of Anglicare Victoria’s founding agencies. If you would like to join us for this event and connect with people who have a shared experience of growing up in institutional care, please contact the Heritage Services team on (03) 9412 6133.