Being a foster carer is one of the most important and meaningful contributions you can make to our community. Anglicare Victoria offers different types of foster care placements to suit your lifestyle and needs. You can choose to provide just one type of foster care or many. You can also change the type of care you provide throughout your caring journey.

Short-Term Care

Typically varies from a few days to a few months, depending on the needs of the child and when it is appropriate for the child to return to their family. Children and young people requiring short-term care are often reunified with their parents or may be placed with extended family at the end of the foster care arrangement.

Long-Term Care

Long-Term care is provided when a child or young person cannot return home for some time. Sometimes a child or young person requires long-term care for up to two years, or more or occasionally until they turn 18. Read Laura and Jake’s amazing experience of providing a long term placement for Ben.

Respite Care

This type of foster care is provided on a regular basis, usually for one or two weekends per month or for up to two weeks during school holidays. It’s often used to provide full-time carers with regular respite and to provide stability and support to a child’s placement.

Emergency Care

Foster care provided at short notice, often for just one or two nights in an emergency or crisis situation. If you work full-time or part-time you can elect to provide emergency care just on a weekend or on certain days of the week. Read more about Foster Grandma Kim who is ready to care at any time.

Therapeutic Foster Care

Therapeutic foster care is where foster carers are provided with additional specialist training and support. They work closely with a team of professionals to provide care for children and young people who need therapeutic responses to their specific needs.

"Foster carers are like ‘safe stepping stones’ for these kids – for a brief period of their lives we are able to keep them safe, supported and nurtured, until they are able to take their next step."

- Therapeutic Carer Rosemarie

Teenage Foster Care

Carers can specify a specific age range for the children they are available to care for. Some carers elect to care for teenagers, aged 13-17, where there is a particular need to support young people to attend schooling, develop independent living skills, and set them up for a bright and happy future. Our Case Managers and Youth Workers are always on hand to provide assistance and link you to other support services as required; including counselling, family mediation, financial assistance, or help with school.

Learn more about Teenage Foster Care 

Sibling Foster Care

This is where you provide care for two or more children from the same family. Unfortunately, a child needing foster care often has a sibling or siblings also needing foster care. Keeping siblings together is critical for maintaining their close bond and attachment, and prevents further complex trauma as a result of them being separated.

Learn more about Sibling Foster Care 

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